My Review of the Book “The Monk who Sold his Ferrari”

I finished this book a month ago but didn’t get a chance to write a review.

This is the first book I read by Robin Sharma and became a fan of his writing style.

This book is a remarkable book in the field of personal development.

This book is a story of a very successful lawyer Julian Mantle who collapsed during a court session and was not able to get up.

He went to the Himalayas and met the sages of Sivana who were known for eternal youth and health.

There he learned how to stay healthy and lead a life of purpose.

After learning the secrets from the East, he went back to the West and shared his knowledge and wisdom with his then-subordinate John.

The book teaches the following seven virtues through seven objects for an enlightened living through a story:(a)    Mastering your mind(b)   Following your purpose(c)    Practicing kaizen(d)   Living with discipline(e)    Respecting your time(f)    Serving others selflessly and(g)   Embracing the present

These virtues can be gained through the practice of certain rituals that you will find in the book. These virtues are represented by seven objects as shared by the sage of Sivana. These seven objects are:

(a)    The magnificent garden

(b)   The towering lighthouse

(c)    The sumo wrestler

(d)   The pink wire cable

(e)    The gold stopwatch

(f)    The fragrant roses and

(g)   The path of diamonds

These symbols have different meanings that could lead us to the way to achieve the seven virtues.

And those seven virtues will lead us to a healthy life full of purpose.

Along with those rituals, there are priceless stories to teach us the importance of life and its purpose.

The book tells us how to practice gratitude and grow our destiny.

This also teaches us to cultivate richer relationships, to give to those who ask for it, and to practice acts of kindness daily.

This book gives clarity that how a deathbed mentality will help you in living your life more and doing more to the world.

You will also know the power of silence and why you need to have the courage to say no.

You will learn the power of creative envisioning and the need to do things that you fear.

Not only that, but you will also learn the 10 ancient rituals to have a radiant life.

You will know the power behind examining yourself and 5 step method that will help you in achieving your goals.

The techniques to master your mind using the heart of the rose, the secret of the lake, and opposition thinking are also given in this book.

This book is a game-changer overall.

You might interpret the summary otherwise if you will not read the book yourself.

You can buy from the link below if you are from India.

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