IPC2 Quiz Questions – Materials and Their Properties

              Materials                  Iron               Chlorine                    Plastics                    Carbon                rubber                 

               metal          Conductors                 shiny                     Glass                 electricity                transparent             

Cooking pans

Use the given words to fill the blanks:

  1. Stainless steel does not rust and is strong so it can be used for ………………………… and bicycle frames.
  2. ………………………… are the substances from which objects are made.
  3. ……………………………..is used for bridges and buildings because it is strong.
  4. Gold is used for jewellery because it is …………………….
  5. Copper is used for electrical wiring because it conducts ……………………….. well and it is flexible.
  6. Metals are good …………………….. of heat.
  7. The only ………………… that is liquid at room temperature is mercury.
  8. ………………………………… is used to purify water.
  9. Sulfur is added to ………………………. to make it hard.
  10. ……………………. Is used to kill bacteria.
  11. Plastics can be …………………………… or opaque.
  12. Glass is …………………………. or translucent.
  13. …………………………… is also being used in manufacturing beakers and other science equipment.
  14. ……………………………. are also used to manufacture hose pipes, window frames etc.
  15. Ceramics can withstand high temperatures.

Multiple Options:

  1. …………………. can be used for containers for food and drink because they don’t react with food. (A) Plastics (B) Glass (C) Ceramics (D) All of these

True and False Statements:

  1. Malleable means that they can be drawn into wires. (A) True (B) False
  2. Ductile means that they can be hammered into shapes. (A) True (B) False
  3. It takes a very short time for plastics to break down. (A) True (B) False

Short Answers:

  1. Why are non-metals being used to make coverings of electric cable and electrical appliances? Answer in one sentence using the property of non-metals.
  2. Why are non-metals being used to make handles of cooking pans? Answer in one sentence using the property of non-metals.
  3. Name the three metals that are magnetic.
  4. Write four properties of metals in complete sentences.
  5. Write four properties of non-metals in complete sentences.
  6. Write three uses of ceramics in your daily lives.

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