Tag Archives: kahoot

Culminating 1st Term’s Quiz Activity called “Science MathRathon”

Theme: “Academic Readiness to meet Challenges Ahead” This is my favorite event to culminate the term. This semester’s ended with a Quiz Show entitled “Science Mathrathon Show” in collaboration with the Normal Thai Program that joined us in the  Bilingual Program. I personally like this kind of “edutainment” as it posts fun, collaborative friendship with …

“Kahoot’ing” 100% Math Context Online Engaging! “Mathematics Life is Always beautiful at this way


This teacher never be exhausted. Always on the go. Always keeps smiling. If you ever give her Math classes for four periods in a row, she won’t give you any complain! Why? She loves teaching, loves mentoring, loves inspiring, loves sharing, loves kahooting! All she does are related to students’ fun acquisition of Math skills …