“When One day in our Math Class,
the Boys are Gone….”
You’ve got to be kidding me, having only one girl left! the boys are gone with probably much more important agenda and happier endeavor. So I had to make this video for online setup and they don’t lag behind from regular classes!. But for sure, they must have been so amazed how Mathematics is creating shortcuts and not many long methods in squaring numbers. When students are challenged with finding the area of a square, finding the missing side of a right-angled triangle that involves digits ending with 5, this technique is so handy and it brings happiness to students’ Math life.
Multiply 65 x 65 for only a line of answer gives you 4225.
Step 1: First, multiply 5 and 5, write 25 on the right hand most to give 2 spaces for first by first digit + 1.
___ ___ 25
Last Step: Multiply 6 by (6+1), write 42 before the 25 on the left hand space of 25.
4 2 2 5
Versus the long method. Try it yourself, it may take you 30 secs to arrive at adding 2 lines more before arriving at the final answer.
Squaring a number ends with 5, not even 5 secs to solve!. e.g.
15 25 35 75 95
15 25 35 75 95
Watch the detailed explanation and how to solve in < 5 seconds at:
Simple, easy, and fast way! The boys in my Math Class will be amazed when they get back to reality. But I am so happy as they stay connected, never miss a single class without any alternative. Guys, not all Math calculations are too long as you have ever imagined, not too difficult as ever thought you are giving up. Most parts can be enjoyed using short cut ways. One day, if you ever miss my Math class again, you’ll miss out on all the so much fun and excitement.